LIVING THE QUESTIONS is a new Wisdom Page feature that invites us to visit (or revisit) significant questions, and to share our current take on them. The hope is that a kind of co-creative movement forward could arise from this — giving us if not "THE ANSWER" to a particular question, perhaps at least some hints about an answer, some fresh ways of considering the question, or some new avenues to explore. Do comment on the posted questions, and submit your ideas for new ones to

To see the comments associated with a particular question, or to add your own comment, click on the large header text associated with that question.

Monday, March 12, 2007

What is wisdom?

In our search for a satisfying life and a world that works, we ask: What is wisdom? What is your take on this important subject?

Sunday, February 25, 2007

The challenge of assembling pieces into insightful action

Anthony Judge asks the question:

"Why is it that the many contributions to wisdom, and wise contributions, remain as pieces of a puzzle that we are so challenged to assemble to enable more insightful action?"